For the Momma Who Doesn’t Know What She Feels

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired.
I’m tired of sorting through facts and opinions and emotions. I’m tired of weighing all the options, finally making a choice, and then second guessing myself immediately. I’m tired of the tension and the stress out there in the world, but also within my four walls.
Because I don’t know about you, but there isn’t just a lot going on outside of my home. There has been plenty happening which needs my attention within my family.
At times it has felt like the world is falling apart and I have to keep at least my small portion of it together. I have to be the glue that keeps everyone I love okay… physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. My arms don’t always feel big enough for the weight of what I’m carrying.
Deep down, I know that good days are ahead because God promises it in His Word, but often I walk the line between hope and discouragement, joy and pain, peace and frustration.
I have a feeling you know just what I mean. I have a feeling you are walking this same road I am, just trying to figure it out and realizing you don’t really know what you feel most days.
Can I offer us both some hope?
1. Jesus knows.
He knows how tired we are. He knows how much we are trying to carry. He knows whats happening “out there” and inside our families.
2. He’s not busy.
He’s not busy taking care of what’s happening in the world and therefore unable to help us with our day to day issues. He’s everywhere at once, tuned into all of our needs because He’s God. He’s already seen these days ahead of us and has an answer for each one of them.
3. You don’t need to carry it all.
You might not feel strong enough or steady enough or as though your arms can hold everything together. But that’s because they weren’t designed to. You were made to fit into God’s arms as He holds it all (including you.)
So, friend of mine, you might not know exactly what you feel right now. You might not know how you’re supposed to feel tomorrow. But there will come a day when your heart has peace and you’ll look back on this moment and realize that God was sorting it all out, working it for your good, and lovingly leading you forward.
There are days of peace and a season of hope coming. Joy is coming. It’s going to be okay.
Lord, help us know it. Lord, help us believe it.

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I have a feeling we are going to be great friends.

I'm Becky Thompson. I'm the author of Hope Unfolding, Love Unending, Truth Unchanging, My Real Story, Midnight Mom Devotional (which I co-wrote with my own momma, Susan Pitts), Peace and Midnight Dad Devotional (which I co-wrote with my dad, Mark Pitts). They've been USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and ECPA bestsellers. They've been on store shelves in Target, Walmart, Barnes and Noble, and even Cracker Barrel. Most importantly, they are connecting women to what Jesus says is true.
I began writing online in 2013 when I created a small fashion blog which grew dramatically in just one year. After one of my articles went viral, I found myself with a large following and opportunities I hadn't imagined.
In 2016 I founded the Midnight Mom Devotional Community on Facebook which I run with my momma. With one million moms joining together in nightly prayer, we are one of the largest nightly prayer movements in America. We invite you come join us!
I host the Revived Motherhood Podcast, which became one of the top Christian podcasts in America just weeks after it debuted. Season two releases soon!
In my day to day life, you'll find me living in NW Oklahoma, spending my time as a wife to my husband, Jared, and a momma to our three kids.
I'm so glad that you have found your way to this website. For more information or for booking inquiries, please use the contact page.
So much love!