
“If My people who are called by My name put away their pride and pray, and look for My face, and turn from their sinful ways, then I will hear from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14

Since you likely won’t read this for ten years or so, let me get you up to speed on what has been going in the world lately. It is 2016, the year that the race for the White House has been more… interesting… than ever before. You guys don’t care much about it. Let’s be honest. You are far more concerned with the new baby joining the Doc McStuffins’ house than who will serve next in the White House.

This is the year when Donald Trump, and Ted Cruz, and Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders (as well as many others) have been in the presidential race. You’ll read more about this in your history books, but many of us are worried. We are worried about some of the candidates. We are worried about what might happen if those candidates win. We are even worried about how our nation is responding to the race with rallies, and protests, and firm dividing lines.

There is general unrest, and it feels as if this might be the most unsettled our nation has ever been in the span of my short life. Have there been moments before full of more uncertainty than this? Sure. Have there been moments before full of more hatred, and division, and civil differences? Absolutely. Will there be worse? I can’t say. But I can speculate that there will be times in the future of our nation when your life stretches on past my own where what I’m about to tell you matters more than ever.

Are you listening?

The world will always be in search of a King.

From the beginning and until the end of time, the world will continue to cry out for a king. They will search the earth looking for someone to rule over them with both power and justice. They will seek to put a man or woman in charge who will lead in greatness to make us feel safe and secure. Scripture is full of times when this was proven true. “Give us Saul,” God’s people cried when the Lord had chosen a man like David instead to lead.

But the truth is, no matter who we choose, we will always be unsatisfied. Our hearts crave what no leader on earth can provide.

We are forever crying out for Jesus.

The greatest Hope we have is in the One who is still on the throne no matter who is in the White House, and the greatest power we have is to pray for God to move in the hearts of those in our nation… and our world… no matter who we elect as president.

So, this year, while fear runs rampant, and hearts are unsettled, and we cry out for a king to save us… for a leader to make us great… for a man or woman to guide us out of peril…

I will continue to teach you about how to bend your knees and pray that the Lord would change the heart of our nation beginning right here in our home. I will pray for peace, and love and justice and the presence of the Lord to reign over us again. I will point to the One who has already saved us for eternity, and who can still rescue us from this uncertain time. And I will teach you that in order to become great, we must humble ourselves and pray.

Kids, this is the year that I will continue to cry out for an awakening to happen among my generation, and your generation, and the generations who have paved the way in prayer before us both… So that perhaps when this letter finds you, it not only finds a nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all… but a nation that passionately serves the only One fully fit to lead us.

God has surely done bigger things than this. He is able. And He will not be moved from His throne. We will choose trust Him no matter what comes.

No matter what happens next.


Did you see that my brand new book is the #1 BEST SELLER in Christian Families on Amazon!

Hope Unfolding
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