You Figured it Out

You Figured it Out

They sent you home with this little life. There was no instruction manual or easy user guide. There wasn’t a cheat sheet. All you had was your baby and your best judgment and God’s endless grace for the new mom. But you figured it out. You figured out what each cry...
To the Momma Up in the Middle of the Night

To the Momma Up in the Middle of the Night

Shhhhh. I won’t take much of your time. I know you’re busy. I know you’re tired. And I know that more than anything you wish you were sleeping and your little one (or not so little one anymore) was sleeping too. I thought I might keep you company for...
For the Momma Whose Arms are Full

For the Momma Whose Arms are Full

For the Momma Whose Arms are Full I had just turned off the lamp in my bedroom when I heard her cry from across the house. Just down the hall from her baby brother’s room, my four year old daughter’s confused words were faintly filtering through the baby monitor...
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