by Becky Thompson | Oct 24, 2014 | Marriage
He grabs his boots, or his briefcase, or his suitcase – and He’s headed off to work. She’s busy making breakfast for the little ones already awake. The cereal spills across the kitchen floor just as the baby monitor lights up. Someone else needs her too. She pours...
by Becky Thompson | Oct 23, 2014 | For Mommas, Most Shared
I used to think that good mommies were a group of women that did everything right. You know. Good mommies don’t yell. They have endless patience. Good mommies balance life at home and work and every other group/organization they or their kids are a part of. Good...
by Becky Thompson | Oct 16, 2014 | For Mommas
“I just cleaned this house!” I sigh as I walk out of my bedroom and find a living room floor covered in toys AGAIN! NO! No No No! I’m not cleaning this mess again today. I’m not doing it! I’m not going to spend all day sorting through...
by Becky Thompson | Oct 9, 2014 | For Mommas
It was late… not like Tonight Show late… like infomercial late… like somewhere there is a farmer getting up to start his day late…. Like almost tomorrow late. And I hadn’t slept one bit. Don’t get me wrong here. My head had touched the pillow. It had touched the...
by Becky Thompson | Oct 8, 2014 | Devotionals
My heart races. My palms sweat. I’m face to face with one of my worst fears. No, I’m not talking about snakes or spiders or even being kidnapped. I’m in the middle of a crowded lunch room surrounded by people that I do not know without a place to sit or a friend in...