I Knew Someone Was Missing

I Knew Someone Was Missing

I have known that you were missing for a while now. I would look around the table at dinner and even though the chairs were all full, my heart would whisper, “Someone isn’t here yet.” When people would ask if we were done having kids after your brother and...
What Do You See, Momma?

What Do You See, Momma?

Last night, I stood in the bathroom, pulled my hair up into a ponytail and wiped the makeup off of my face. While this is something I do most nights, last night, I stopped and actually took a moment to consider the face of the woman looking back at me… honestly, I...
Somewhere There is a Nurse

Somewhere There is a Nurse

Somewhere, there is a nurse. She left her family in the early hours of the morning, and came to take care of mine. She has been on her feet since before I was awake, and she will keep working tirelessly until the end of her day… even if that means working throughout...
What Do You See, Momma?

To My Single Friends Ready for Answers

I have never been a big planner. I’m not one of those overly organized types. Those people are awesome. I’m just not one of them. I can make a decent plan, but I find that if I do, rarely do things go according to it. So, my eagerness to meet the man that I would...
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