by Becky Thompson | Jul 2, 2014 | For Mommas
Hey, Momma? You know the way that you decided to do it – the one that went against all of the experts and latest trends? The way that works for you, but just might sound crazy to every other parent you know? Way to go! Yup. Way to go. You’re an adult. An adult and a...
by Becky Thompson | Jul 1, 2014 | Devotionals
Last Sunday, we spent the morning like any other. I made breakfast and got the kids ready for church. I ironed clothes, fixed hair and actually put on some makeup. We weren’t even running late. It was basically a Sunday morning miracle. Our drive to church takes us...
by Becky Thompson | Jun 27, 2014 | Devotionals, For Mommas
Somewhere, there is a momma in the silent years quietly wiping down a high chair. Breakfast is over and her baby is babbling on a blanket as she takes a minute to clean up applesauce and tiny puffs that have spilled across the floor. She will spend so much of her day...
by Becky Thompson | Jun 26, 2014 | For Mommas
When I was pregnant with my oldest (now four), every part of pregnancy was exciting. I called my husband to tell him every time that the baby had hiccups. I posted the baby’s size and latest developments to my Facebook account every week. Oh, and I went to visit labor...
by Becky Thompson | Jun 25, 2014 | Devotionals
Dear friend, Your heart is safe here with me. It is a brave thing to admit that you aren’t as okay as you claim to be most days. It is okay to concede that maybe you need a little help. I know that most days you can keep your fears under control. Those whispers of...