by Becky Thompson | Jun 20, 2014 | Most Shared, Trending Issues
His feet roll along the underside of my ribs. I put my hand on the top side of my tummy to feel them as they go by. Precious little feet. In August, those feet will no longer be tucked warmly inside of me. They will be snuggled up in tiny little socks, and kissed a...
by Becky Thompson | Jun 17, 2014 | Devotionals, For Mommas
There are some things that you just cannot Google. I mean, I suppose that you could enter whatever search terms that you wanted, but there are certain things that even “Dr. Google,” and “Peace of Mind Google,” and “Am I Normal Google” cannot answer. I joked with my...
by Becky Thompson | Jun 17, 2014 | For Mommas, Marriage
Back when my husband and I were first dating, and the world still had a rose-colored tint, I remember walking into the mall with him one day. We were hand in hand as we passed another couple having a very heated disagreement. I looked up at my (then boyfriend) and...
by Becky Thompson | Jun 12, 2014 | Marriage
It was Christmas about four years ago. My nearly one year old little boy had been by my side and around my neck during much of our family gathering. As much as I loved being with him while he experienced his first Christmas, I hadn’t gotten to visit much with family....
by Becky Thompson | Jun 9, 2014 | Devotionals, For Mommas
The first diaper that I ever changed was my son’s. I didn’t have any younger siblings or family members. I hadn’t spent my teenage years babysitting. The opportunity had just never presented itself. What a shame – I know. I did open a package of newborn diapers about...