by Becky Thompson | Jun 5, 2014 | Devotionals, For Mommas, Marriage
“I am not responsible for everyone else’s happiness.” Her sippy cup landed on the floor. We were in the middle of a complete tantrum. “I want juice!” I tried to rationally explain to her that we didn’t have any juice and that we don’t throw a fit when we don’t get our...
by Becky Thompson | Jun 2, 2014 | For Mommas, Marriage
We danced in the rain on our wedding day. It was an indoor wedding – but the severity of the storm had blown the rain through the glass doors and onto the floor of the reception hall. The power had gone out many hours before, but from small laptop speakers, we played...
by Becky Thompson | May 28, 2014 | Devotionals
I saw an old war movie once. In it, there was a scene that depicted a make-shift hospital. Wounded and injured soldiers were aided into the medic tent as bombs and gunfire could be heard raining in the background. I have never been to war, but I have seen many movies...
by Becky Thompson | May 23, 2014 | For Mommas, My Life
When we built our house on the edge of town a few years back, we knew that we would eventually have neighbors on our street, and we looked forward to hopefully having another young family in the area. When that sweet young family built and moved in, I wish that I...
by Becky Thompson | May 22, 2014 | For Mommas, Marriage
After the last hugs were given and my kids were tucked into bed, I made my way towards the kitchen. I rinsed the few dishes that had been used since dinner, and I wiped down my counters. I made my final rounds of locking doors and turning off unnecessary lights. I...