by Becky Thompson | May 20, 2014 | For Mommas
A few years ago, shortly after my daughter was born, I found myself in an intense “momma bear” phase. I was the one who stayed at home with the kids while my husband went to work. Unfortunately, there was no shortage of reminding him of this. “You work out there. I...
by Becky Thompson | May 19, 2014 | Devotionals, For Mommas
You turned three today. You are a perfect picture of carefree beauty. Life bubbles up from inside of you and spills over your edges. You are a compassionate heart, a considerate spirit, a breath of life and freedom. Years from now, as you look back on these words, my...
by Becky Thompson | May 15, 2014 | Devotionals
We aren’t the spontaneous type. With two preschoolers, we try to stay ahead of whatever chaos is eminent. This requires planning – planning to go to the grocery store, planning to go run common errands, planning when we will eat and nap and play. Life doesn’t always...
by Becky Thompson | May 13, 2014 | Trending Issues
How Abortion Has Changed the Discussion of Miscarriage I was finally getting back to a normal routine. My miscarriage a few weeks earlier had taken more than just my baby. It had sapped my emotional reserves as well. I was exhausted, but began to force myself to...
by Becky Thompson | May 7, 2014 | Devotionals
On a cold December night a few years ago, I made myself a cup of hot chocolate and grabbed my favorite blanket. The news had reported perfect viewing conditions for a meteor shower, and for whatever reason, I didn’t want to miss this one. We live on the edge of a...