by Becky Thompson | May 6, 2014 | For Mommas, My Life
A long line of children filed onto the risers. I followed the blonde haired girl in front of me, and turned as we found our place on the front row. The front row is, of course, reserved for the shortest (and best) singers in my opinion. I made a quick scan of the...
by Becky Thompson | Apr 30, 2014 | Devotionals, My Life
“Mooooooooma!” A wild-haired, sleepy-eyed, nearly 3 year old calls to me from her room. “Mooooma! I’m awake! Come get me!” “Shhhh, baby girl! I’m coming! Bubby is still asleep!” “Momma! I’m awake too!” a groggy second voice echoes down the hallway. “Well, Bubby was...
by Becky Thompson | Apr 29, 2014 | For Mommas, My Life
I guess I just didn’t understand how someone could never be alone and yet still feel so… lonely. I remember the day that I quit my job. It was in the back of my heart, but I wasn’t quite sure that that I would go through with it. When my son was born, there was no...
by Becky Thompson | Apr 24, 2014 | For Mommas
Hey, mom? I’ve been meaning to tell you. I just haven’t had the words… I appreciate what you’re doing. The early mornings and the long nights are hard. I’m trying to figure it all out. I know that you are too. We’re both new at all of this. But I want you to know that...
by Becky Thompson | Apr 23, 2014 | Devotionals, My Life
Every morning, (well, the mornings that I actually put on makeup) I use a handheld mirror to look at myself up close. This is usually my last step. I’ve put on the foundation and color and plucked and curled and touched-up, and when I think I’ve gotten...