by Becky Thompson | Apr 21, 2014 | For Mommas, My Life
“I don’t know what the difference is… or what changed… but you moms seem to have so much more pressure on yourselves than we ever did.” It was such a short conversation, but I have been thinking about it for weeks. What has changed between her generation and mine?...
by Becky Thompson | Apr 17, 2014 | For Mommas
I’m guilty. I’m sure you are too. The paint ends up on the wall after the 30th, “Don’t do it!” The baby gets hit with a flying toy after you specifically said, “Don’t throw it!” The toddler isn’t listening. The preschooler isn’t listening. The teenager isn’t...
by Becky Thompson | Apr 8, 2014 | For Mommas, My Life
To the Momma in the dressing room a few doors down: I was already in my own room when you and your daughter came down the hall. I never ran into you after I finished trying on my own clothes. I will never know what you look like. But I have to tell you, I cannot...
by Becky Thompson | Apr 7, 2014 | Devotionals, For Mommas
The other day, I took on a huge reorganization project. I had just gotten to the part where everything was torn apart and a crazy wreck, (You know, the part just before everything starts to look a little better) when I realized that the laundry was waist deep, the...