Hello all! I am linking up with the folks over at Five Minute Friday, today. Writers from across the globe gather together and all write for five minutes flat on the same subject. Follow this link for more information!

This week’s topic. Worship.


Worship: The purpose of man.

When God made man, He created within man a place for Himself to inhabit – a temple.

The Word of God says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;  you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God.”

The question is… who lives there now? What have you placed on the throne of your heart? We were made to worship. We were created to reflect God’s goodness… but without the knowledge of this relationship… this perfect match… we are left with gods of our own choosing.

You can tell what a person worships by what they will sacrifice for…

We worship money and things and our children. We worship our marriages and our houses and our relationships…

But nothing will satisfy that craving, that deep hunger, that deep calling unto deep like the presence of the living God who alone is worthy to inhabit the holy temple of your heart.

Worship. It is more than an act, a song, a dance… it is a life lived unto Him.


If you want to know more about this relationship available to you, please click here for further reading.

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