
Yesterday, I took a picture with my daughter and posted it to Facebook. In the caption, I wrote:

“She thinks you’re beautiful momma. You are just her favorite.

They say that the relationship between a girl and her momma changes over time. They warn us that one day our little girls might not be our biggest fans. They might not listen as closely.

But for now? While she still cares about what you have to say? While she wants to spend time with you as you get ready… while her heart and her ears and her eyes are open wide?

Be careful especially now with the words you say about yourself… with the way that you treat yourself… Because you aren’t just painting a picture of how you see you… you are putting a brush in her hand and teaching her how to paint a picture of herself… You are teaching her how to see her beauty… by learning to see your own.

I want to see your selfies with your girls! Post them with the hashtag ‪#‎ForTheSakeOfOurDaughters

I cried all day as I scrolled through the comments on that post.

Hundreds of women took my challenge and posted photos with their beautiful daughters. Hundreds of beautiful faces of moms just like you and me with daughters just like yours and mine all raising their hands saying, “Yes. We will remember to love ourselves. We will remember to be kind to ourselves. We will remember that little eyes and sensitive hearts are watching us always.”

You know, sometimes, we forget how connected we really are. We forget that we are each doing our very best to raise up strong, smart, confident daughters in a world that wants to tear them apart.

We forget that we are swimming against the currant that tries to sweep all of us into an ocean of insecurities.

And we forget that we are doing our best to fight against the tides… together.

As I scrolled through all of the photos of mommas with their girls, I was reminded that all of the things that separate us as moms are nothing in comparison to the unifying heartbeat of motherhood that pounds within our each of our chests.

Friend, just as our daughters learn about their beauty by watching us embrace our own, we have the opportunity to teach them something even greater. We have the opportunity to teach them how to accept grace for themselves so that they can turn and share it with others. We can show them how to look for and find the beauty in others.

Share this post to pass it on, and then come find me on Facebook! I try and stay in touch with my readers on a personal level through social media!

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