Last summer, my husband and I went to a city a few hours away for an appointment with a doctor. It wasn’t a city we had ever visited together, and it was going to be a rather long trip with our two little kids, but it was one of those times where I just felt as though I needed to go.

The appointment went as expected, and we decided to take our kids to get some ice cream before getting back on the road to drive home. As we walked into the ice cream shop, I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I needed to share the love of Jesus with the girl behind the counter. It kept replaying in my heart… straight from our Father in Heaven.

“Tell her I love her. Tell her I have a plan for her life. Tell her I see her and know her and that she isn’t alone.”

Folks, I’ve never had a more uncomfortable experience eating ice cream than I did that day. The closer I got to bottom of the cup, the more nervous I felt. How do you just walk up to a perfect stranger and tell them, “Jesus loves you?!”

Well, you can read the full story here, but here is how the story ended.

My husband, kids and I loaded up in the car and started to drive away when some small brave part of me decided to rise up and shout, “STOP!”

“We can’t just leave her. I have to go back in…”

And that’s exactly what I did. I walked back into the ice cream shop and up to the counter and told that young girl that the God of the universe saw her and loved her and wanted her to know so much that he sent me from another state to tell her.

As a result of that day, my family began to look for other ways to show people that Jesus loves them.

It was pretty simple, really. We just listened for the voice of the Lord, and then did whatever “brave” thing He asked us to do. Once it was buying formula and leaving it at the office of a local apartment complex to be passed out to mommas needing help. When asked whom they should thank, we left a simple note signed, “just because Jesus loves you.”

Another time we taped a bag of coins to the hospital vending machine so that a tired friend or relative of a hospital patient could have a snack or drink. The note? “Just because Jesus loves you.”

And once my husband and I were out on our anniversary weekend, and Jesus asked us to buy a young family’s meal. The waiter insisted we sign the check in a way that they would know whom to thank. Our note that day? “Just because Jesus loves you.”

Through all of this, we have learned that there is no greater way to experience the love of Jesus than to share His love with others.

So, with Valentine’s Day this Friday (yes, Friday, gentlemen), the Lord has put a challenge on my heart. We have heard of random acts of kindness… But what about purposeful acts of love?

Jesus has asked me again to pray, listen and look for ways that I can share His love with others. But even more exciting…. He has asked me to extend the invitation to you as well! As you go throughout your day today, pray, listen, look for ways that the Lord wants you to share His love with someone! And then do it!

It could be paying for a coffee for the person in line behind you.

Or it could be helping a mommy get her cart back into the store after dropping off her groceries.

It could be paying for a meal as you enjoy your own.

Or it might be visiting an elderly neighbor just to check on them.

Whatever it is that The Lord asks you to do… and whenever you are asked “why?” Be sure to answer, “Just because Jesus loves you!”

Then, I want to hear your stories! Come back here and post in the comments how your “Just because Jesus loves you” encounter went! If you want, you can post to twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #JustBecauseJesusLovesYou .

I would love to hear from each Country that follows this blog! There are so many represented! Wouldn’t it be amazing to know that people from across the world are all participating in this week of purposeful love?

Also, don’t forget to invite others to participate by sharing this post!

The story of Jesus’ love is the greatest love story ever written. Maybe these purposeful acts of love will open doors to share His eternal love with those that wouldn’t otherwise experience it.

Jesus said in Mark 12:30-31 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

Starting today, let’s search for opportunities to show purposeful acts of love and live out the greatest commandment! You might just change someone’s life! I cannot wait to hear from you! Don’t forget to comment here!

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