Someone once called me a Mommy Blogger. I didn’t mind. After all, I am a Mommy and I blog, and the majority of what I write includes my children in some way. But, I guess I just never put myself in that category – and honestly, it used to be for a reason.

I write because I want to talk to women as if they’re sitting around my kitchen island on a day when the kids are crazy, but we have found 5 minutes of uninterrupted conversation together.

I want to breathe hope into the desperate places that don’t get spoken of often. To call fears common and let them fall away as hope begins to rise.

But sometimes, the women that I invite to my world-wide-kitchen aren’t moms – well, not in the sense that they have children who call them, “Mom.”

For many, the word “Mom” brings pain. It is a title that many fear will never follow their name. It is a coveted role that many pray for daily. And some days, “Mom” seems unreachable.

I write for women in those moments too.

Because I have known them. I have known the pain of waiting for the two positive lines. I have known the devastation of miscarriage followed by another. And I have walked the heavy road back towards hope.

In the past, I didn’t want to be called a Mommy Blogger because I didn’t want to bring additional pain to these women who also needed hope. For the women who see greatly pregnant women and hurt. Who hear of successful pregnancies and ache for their own. Who want so desperately to share in the joy of others, but must suffer through their own sorrow to do so.

I didn’t want to say this is only a place for moms… as if it was some sort of exclusionary club.

But on a night not too many before my son was born, the Lord showed me a woman and told me that she was pregnant too.

“But she doesn’t look pregnant,” I asked him.

And the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

And I looked again and I asked the Lord to show me what He saw.

And He spoke again and told me, “A mother is not made when a child is placed in her arms. A mother is made when the dream of a child is birthed in her heart.”

And it was in that moment that He reminded me… the most fertile place in a woman is not her womb. It is her heart. Because it is in the heart of a woman that dreams and visions are born. It is in a woman’s heart that she makes plans for a future. The soft ground of a woman’s heart is the most fertile thing about her.

Mommy blogger.

And my heart changed. Because if Mommy Blogger means getting to look into a woman’s heart and remind her of the dreams that grow there daily… if Mommy Blogger means getting to extend hope and say, “Don’t give up! Don’t let the dream within you go… If you need someone to have hope for you, let me! Because there is life waiting. There are dreams waiting to be born. There is a tomorrow full of promise!” Then Mommy Blogger is exactly what I want to be!

Have you withdrawn your hope, friend? Have you pulled it back so deeply that you don’t remember what the face of that sweet dream looks like anymore? Have you given up?

Listen carefully, friend. Because what the enemy has intended for evil, the Lord has used for good. Because when we withdraw our hope, when we pulled it back into the fertile ground of our hearts it begins to grow new life.

Friend. I see you. But more importantly – God sees you. He continues to hear the cries of your heart. He hasn’t forgotten about you. He hasn’t given up on you. And today, He simply asked me to remind you that it is not too late.

It’s never too late for God to step in, and in a moment, change everything.

So am I a mommy Blogger? Maybe so… Maybe so.


Also!!! Check out my new book now available wherever books and ebooks are sold!!


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