You Call Me Out Upon the Water

You Call Me Out Upon the Water

We aren’t the spontaneous type. With two preschoolers, we try to stay ahead of whatever chaos is eminent. This requires planning – planning to go to the grocery store, planning to go run common errands, planning when we will eat and nap and play. Life doesn’t always...
For Those Who are Hurting

For Those Who are Hurting

On a cold December night a few years ago, I made myself a cup of hot chocolate and grabbed my favorite blanket. The news had reported perfect viewing conditions for a meteor shower, and for whatever reason, I didn’t want to miss this one. We live on the edge of a...
For Those Who are Hurting

In the Morning… When I Rise

“Mooooooooma!” A wild-haired, sleepy-eyed, nearly 3 year old calls to me from her room. “Mooooma! I’m awake! Come get me!” “Shhhh, baby girl! I’m coming! Bubby is still asleep!” “Momma! I’m awake too!” a groggy second voice echoes down the hallway. “Well, Bubby was...
Broken Mirrors

Broken Mirrors

Every morning, (well, the mornings that I actually put on makeup) I use a handheld mirror to look at myself up close. This is usually my last step. I’ve put on the foundation and color and plucked and curled and touched-up, and when I think I’ve gotten...
Sandbox Lessons

Sandbox Lessons

With the arrival of Spring came new sand for our backyard play area. My kids have spent what seems like every waking hour out there scooping and shoveling and digging. This afternoon, we invited our friends over to play with us. The group quickly abandoned the idea of...
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