For the Momma Whose Arms are Full

I had just turned off the lamp in my bedroom when I heard her cry from across the house. Just down the hall from her baby brother’s room, my four year old daughter’s confused words were faintly filtering through the baby monitor on my nightstand.
I sat up and started to make my way across the dark living room. I knew I needed to get to her before she woke the baby or her older brother.
It’s just a phase. I honestly don’t know why she sleep talks some nights and not others, but I know how to stop these episodes once they start.
I climbed into bed with her and held her against me. I didn’t try to wake her. There was just my presence – my arms around her tiny four year old body and my heart beating in her ears.
“I’ll hold you,” I whispered as she settled into me.
Just as she fell back into deep sleep, her brother’s first cry pierced through the dark. I tucked my daughter back into her bed, kissed her forehead, and went to comfort the baby.
He was standing in his crib waiting for me – tears already covering his 18 month old face. I lifted him from his bed and wiped his eyes with the end of my sleeve, and then, I settled us both into the chair in his room.
“I’ll hold you,” I sang as I rocked him back and forth. “Momma will hold you.”
So much of my time is spent with a little one in my arms. I carry and comfort and rock and hold when the world feels too big for little hearts. As mommas and women, we are often worried about everyone else. We are concerned with how everyone else feels and we are forever making sure our families have whatever they might need. Our arms hold so much.
But that night in the dark as I rocked my little boy back to sleep, I heard a gentle voice whisper to me,
“Becky, I’ll hold you.”
I too easily forget He’s there. I forget that God always has His arms around me, not just as a momma, but as His daughter. While I’m focused on caring about everyone else, He wants to make sure I’m okay. He wants to comfort my heart.
When the world feels big…
When I wonder if I’m the only one awake to the fears I am experiencing…
When I just need to know that it’s going to be okay…
He’s close.
Today, whatever you’re doing, wherever you are, whatever you’re facing, no matter what else is happening around you, listen closely, sister.
You were created just so God could have a chance to love you. And today, I believe if you quiet your heart, you’ll hear Him whisper…
“I’ll hold you.”
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Meet Becky Thompson

I'm Becky Thompson, bestselling author and creator of Midnight mom Devotional
Here you’ll find hope and healing for all parts of your story.
The world is loud. Life can seem overwhelming. Good thing we have a God who never leaves us. Everything you’ll read here will point to Him and will remind you… He’s right there in the room.
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