On Monday, Vanity Fair released the cover of their latest edition depicting a photograph of Bruce Jenner with a caption, “Call me Caitlyn.”

The internet is already buzzing as people weigh in on the article and everything that it means for our culture and society.

As I was scrolling through my newsfeed on Facebook, I came across a few of these articles. I also came across a few status updates concerning this topic.

And, honestly? I’m already concerned.

My own feelings about this particular topic set aside, I am concerned primarily about the discussion of this topic.

See, whenever subjects like these gain national media attention, and they are matters that bring debate and controversy among Christians, it seems as if everyone is just waiting for a Christian to use the “s” word.

You know the one… sinner.

It seems as if everyone is just waiting for us to have something… anything at all… to say on the topic so that they can remind us that we aren’t supposed to judge… because that is written in the Bible.

I can guarantee that there will be posts written, and there will be strong feelings shared, and there will be many who get upset on all sides of this matter.

While I’m not saying that these hard conversations should not take place, I am saying this…

Christians? This is our chance to get it right.

This is our chance to show love.

Now, before you read into what you think I am saying, and tell me that I need to stand my ground… that the Bible is clear about what is and isn’t acceptable…  that this isn’t the time to get soft on hard subjects… let me clarify something.

This post isn’t really even about Bruce Jenner at all… it is about us.

It is about our response.

It is about showing the world that just as the reputation of a wife reflects upon her husband, the reputation of the Church should accurately reflect Jesus…

And Jesus asks us to love one another.

That is the starting point.

I’m not saying that there can’t be more said. I’m not saying that there can’t be more done. I’m simply saying… that everything that we speak and do must first originate with authentic love.

Because Jesus loves the people on the covers of magazines just as much as He loves you and me, and the real scandal isn’t what others decide to do with their lives, but what Jesus did with His.

The real scandal worth discussing is that of a Gracious God who would come and die and live again so that He could make a way for broken sinners like us to be with Him while teaching everyone that redemption has so little to do with us and everything to do with Him.

And that isn’t just in the Bible. It is the summation of all of Scripture.

So, before the Internet gets going… before the whole world starts talking and there are harsh words and angry debates and Christians who look like we carry around pockets full of stones, let’s remember this:

No matter what the cover of a magazine tells us to call a person, first…

We must call one another Loved.


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