I woke up this morning and wasn’t concerned about what I would wear to our fancy dinner tonight. I wasn’t worried about finding shoes or jewelry, or making sure that I had plenty of time to get my hair and makeup done. I didn’t look for roses or perfume or expect to see a card taped to the bathroom mirror.

It was just a Tuesday – stuck right in the middle of a regular Monday and Wednesday.

It just so happens that on this day 8 years ago, we promised our lives to each other and said, “I do.”

Anniversaries don’t quite look like they used to. With two pre-schoolers and a newborn, remembering the time that we have been married doesn’t seem nearly as important as measuring the growth of our family. Instead our lives are traced out on the back wall of our bathroom in little pen marks that show the growth of our babies.

But on this day – on this regular Tuesday that pops up right in the middle of everyday life – I want to take a minute to remember us – because without us there would be no them.  I want to remember the two that made the family. And maybe the best way to do that is to look at our vows again now that we are mommy and daddy. So here they are. A more appropriate set of wedding vows from the eyes of young parents.

I promise to love and to cherish you –

Through positive pregnancy tests and life lost too soon,

As we grieve and pray and try again,

As we remember hope and cling to faith for the next nine months,

And as we finally hold that first precious life in our arms and become Mommy and Daddy.

I promise to love you as the nights drag on and our time together grows thin.

In the moments that we seem close or distant.

When it seems like we have gone days without saying “hello.”

I promise to love you as we decide to expand our family again –

As our family of three quickly grew to a family of four and then to a family of five.

As our time together is spent while feeding a baby, or changing a diaper or avoiding a tantrum.

As prepared dinner looks like mac-n-cheese and dinosaur shaped nuggets.

As our favorite shows come with animated characters.

As we learn what blankets are special, what toys are favorites, and the “right” way to sing Twinkle Twinkle.

I promise to love all versions of you – but to fall in love more and more with the moments that you are called Daddy.

Because I thought that I loved you as much as my heart could express on this day 8 years ago, but I didn’t know that until I saw you as a Father how deeply my love for you could grow.

Thank you for making all my dreams come true – and even more importantly for continuing to say “I do” every single day.


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