by Becky Thompson | Dec 5, 2013 | Devotionals, For Mommas
She was just like me -her kids swinging from a jungle gym a little too high, her youngest braving a fast slide, her little girl out of breath from skipping. We were standing on the side of playground in a city far away while our children laughed together. She began to...
by Becky Thompson | Dec 3, 2013 | Devotionals, My Life
Have you ever been around large animals? When my husband and I were newly married, he would work an event at the state fairgrounds once a year. He worked on the production side of a youth expo that involved the showing of animals. I could go into greater detail here,...
by Becky Thompson | Nov 26, 2013 | Most Shared, Trending Issues
Our town holiday parade was a few nights ago. It is a fun way the community kicks off the holiday season. Businesses on main street stay open late as folks enjoy visiting with one another and window shopping. The parade floats throw candy to the kids sitting on the...
by Becky Thompson | Nov 24, 2013 | Favorite Things
Well, it is that time of year! (Well, almost.) Many families that celebrate Christmas enjoy putting up their Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. It was our family tradition as I was growing up. With Thanksgiving this week, I thought it was the perfect time...
by Becky Thompson | Nov 22, 2013 | Devotionals
A few months ago, I tackled the idea of women and their constant competition with one another. We love to make sure that we are doing okay by comparing ourselves and our abilities to others. We do the silent smile and size up while making hasty judgments of women we...
by Becky Thompson | Nov 21, 2013 | Devotionals, My Life
Growing up, I learned well the system of church. Some of my earliest memories involve Sunday School lessons and nursery friend playdates. Some of my oldest friends I made in church over 20 years ago. My parents were usually on staff at the various churches we...
by Becky Thompson | Nov 20, 2013 | Devotionals
It isn’t even 10 AM, and I have already lost it. I have fussed with my kids and lost my cool about the simplest of things. I am running behind, feel overwhelmed and have misplaced all of my frustrations on those whose hearts trust me. I have not been a safe place for...
by Becky Thompson | Nov 13, 2013 | Devotionals, Marriage, My Life
My husband does not complete me. No matter how hard he will ever try, no matter how much I want him to, or expect him to, it is not my husband’s job to complete me. I was created to be completed by God. [edit – this was not included in the original post] Not...
by Becky Thompson | Nov 12, 2013 | For Mommas, My Life
Red light. I reached behind my seat to pick up a fallen straw. It came back with a half-eaten sucker and goldfish dust stuck to it. Gross. I glanced into the backseat. Abandoned socks and shoes, toys and trinkets, crayons and Cheerios were strewn across the floor of...
by Becky Thompson | Nov 8, 2013 | My Life
You should know how much I love organizing things. My pantry, my closets, my car… I have tricks for organizing giftwrapping and my makeup. I have a strict schedule that helps me remember when to organize what. I have schedules for everything. I keep track of my...
by Becky Thompson | Nov 6, 2013 | Devotionals, My Life
I am not a sporty girl. I know you are shocked, aren’t you? I totally had you fooled. Alright. I know it doesn’t come as much of a surprise. This girl has never played any organized sport. Ever. I did happen to briefly sneak my way onto a cheerleading...
by Becky Thompson | Nov 4, 2013 | Modest Momma Style
I love fall for so many reasons. One of them happens to be the fact that I get to put on sweaters as soft as this one. The owner of one of my favorite online boutiques (Hazel and Olive) designed this just for you! Seriously, it is like wearing my favorite bathrobe...
by Becky Thompson | Nov 1, 2013 | Devotionals, My Life
I opened the driver’s side door and climbed out of our SUV. I was met with the fresh smelling breeze of an Oklahoma March. It was my favorite time of year. I opened the back door and unclipped my son’s clunky car seat from its base. His three month old grin was still...
by Becky Thompson | Oct 26, 2013 | Devotionals, My Life
If you believe Jesus is the Son of the living God, then you must also know that there is a very real enemy of our souls. He has one simple goal: to lure our hearts away from God. The Word of God says that our enemy wants to kill, steal, and destroy us and everything...
by Becky Thompson | Oct 26, 2013 | Devotionals, Five Minute Friday
Hey friend. Just wanted to take a minute and say, “You’re doing okay, and you’re going to make it.” It might seem hard right now, but you’re not alone. As alone as you might feel in this moment, you are not. God sees you. He knows your heart. He knows your deepest...