For the Moms Who Will Be Up Late This Week

It’s 12:36 a.m., and I’m the only one awake in my house. I had to wait until everyone was asleep so I could sneak presents in from the car. I have a feeling this won’t be the only night this week that I stay up well-after everyone else has gone to bed.
There are just a few days left until Christmas, and for us mommas that means we only have so many hours left to cross everything off our lists. We all have lists. You have one. I have one. And while we each have different things to do on our lists, the words we write across the top would likely be the same.
Make Christmas Special.
That’s the aim, and the heart behind all that we are doing. We want to make memories, and celebrate Jesus, and teach our children gratitude, and have surprises under the tree. We want to gather our family and eat a meal together and experience joy. Expectations are high. I understand. There’s a lot of pressure.
Christmas is hard for us mommas because we care so much about how everyone else experiences it. We care about the gifts and the memories and the joy because deep down, we just want our children (no matter their ages) to know they are loved. We want them to know that we love them and that we did our best to show them.
It’s why we will stay up late wrapping and cleaning and prepping and installing batteries in toys and putting together bikes and play houses. It’s why we will hunt for that one present they really wanted or we will look for extra room in the budget to buy any presents at all when money is tight. It’s why we choose our kids before our own wants again and again.
It’s all because of love.
But here’s the thing. I know how momma’s hearts work, and I know that no matter how great the gifts or how hard you try… on Christmas Eve, you will wonder… “Is it enough?”
Did I do enough? Will they know they are loved enough? Is what I can offer this year enough?
Lean in close, because what I need to tell you is very important.
It is enough.
You did good this year. No matter what is under the tree or isn’t under the tree… No matter what you are eating, or who you are visiting, or how you are celebrating this holiday… No matter how clean or decorated or festive your house is…
no matter what this Wednesday brings…
Deep breath with me? Okay… maybe one more…
They will know they are loved – and at the end of the day, that is likely thanks to you.
As you stay up late the next few nights finishing all of the things on your list, repeat after me. “It’s enough. It’s enough. It’s enough.”
Good job, momma. In case no one tells you… very good job.
Book Spotlight
Even when there isn't noise around us, there is usually noise within us. The constant to-do lists that spin in our minds, the worry and wonder if we are doing a good job, and the need to stay two steps ahead of our families when we feel two steps behind keeps our minds routinely restless. So when quiet time with God isn't so quiet, and alone time is nearly nonexistent, how can we hear God speak?
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Meet Becky Thompson

I’m Becky Thompson. I’m the author of Hope Unfolding, Love Unending, Truth Unchanging, My Real Story, Midnight Mom Devotional (which I co-wrote with my own momma, Susan Pitts), and Peace. They’ve been USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and ECPA bestsellers. They’ve been on store shelves in Target, Walmart, Barnes and Noble, and even Cracker Barrel. Most importantly, they are connecting women to what Jesus says is true.
I began writing online in 2013 when I created a small fashion blog which grew dramatically in just one year. After one of my articles went viral, I found myself with a large following and opportunities I hadn’t imagined.
In 2016 I founded the Midnight Mom Devotional Community on Facebook which I run with my momma. With one million moms joining together in nightly prayer, we are one of the largest nightly prayer movements in America. We invite you come join us!
I host the Revived Motherhood Podcast, which became one of the top Christian podcasts in America just weeks after it debuted. Season two releases soon!
In my day to day life, you’ll find me living just outside of Nashville, spending my time as a wife to my husband, Jared, and a momma to our three kids.
I’m so glad that you have found your way to this website. For more information or for booking inquiries, please use the contact page.
So much love!