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For the Momma Who Is Stronger Than She Knows
You are strong. I imagine you don’t usually feel as if that word fits you. ...stressed tired overwhelmed anxious exhausted... Maybe it seems those words better fit how you feel most days. And maybe they do. Maybe you pour and give and never feel quite filled back up....
When What’s Best For Your Child Doesn’t Make Sense to Anyone Else
For Mommas Marriage Mental Health Hearing God It’s nine o’clock AM, and I am sitting outside my daughter’s first grade classroom with my laptop open and my heart a little nervous. The school, built decades ago, isn’t setup like most. The classrooms open up to a...
The First Time I Met An Angel
The first time I met an angel, I was at an elementary school field trip attended by nearly the entire Oklahoma City metro area. Multiple schools from multiple districts had sent busloads of students to the event center. I honestly can’t remember anything about the...
Are Your Kids Ruling The House? Five Ways to Reconnect With Your Spouse
Five times my husband began to tell me about his phone call that had just ended, and all five times he was interrupted. We paused, corrected the interrupting child, and my husband would begin again, only to be interrupted by someone else, or some other request, or...
Maybe If We Said It This Way They Would Hear Us…
A few weeks ago, I read an article shared on social media about a mother who allegedly gave birth at work and then attempted to flush her baby down the toilet. She was discovered and arrested. I was sick to my stomach, but before I kept scrolling, I read a few...
The Answer For Charlottesville… The Answer for All of Us
I think many of us are finally sorting through our thoughts after the events that unfolded in Charlottesville this weekend. I know that my emotions have been all over the place. I’ve been disgusted. I’ve been afraid. I’ve felt angry. I’ve felt helpless. I have felt as...
Truth For the Woman Who Feels Like She’s Sinking
It was windy that night. I’m not sure how windy. The story doesn’t say. Scripture just says the boat was already some distance from land, battered by the waves, because the wind was against them. You know this story. It’s the one where Jesus (and Peter) walk on water....
When Community Doesn’t Look Like It Once Did
Earlier this year, I created a network for writers to find encouragement, resources and community as they pursue their craft. From this network, I have discovered new and seasoned voices that absolutely need to be heard by many! The post below has been written by...
When A Spirit-Led Mom Remembers Who She Really Is
Sometimes my heart becomes absolutely overwhelmed. Does this ever happen to you? You know the Truth of who God is, and yet you become so focused on... just... everything else happening around you? From babies to grandbabies, a mother's heart never stops thinking of...
Summer’s Final Call
“That’s it! It’s time to come in now! We’re going to have to get ready for bed, because school starts tomorrow.” It was the last call of the summer. It seems as though my kids have spent more hours out of the house than in it over the last few months. They played in...
Why Many Millennial Parents Struggle With Anxiety
Dear friend, Let me start with this. It’s not just up to you to keep them safe. This week I read yet another article online highlighting one more way I need to protect my children from this world. As I made my way through one father’s terrifying narrative and his...
Husbands… Here Is Some Insider Information
Husbands, I need to tell you a secret. It's important... really important. Ready? Your wife? She wants your help, but she doesn't know how... or really want to have to ask you for it. It's not a specific task she wants your help with. It's life. She doesn't just want...
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